Martin had a dream

 Martin Luther King Jr was a prominent leader during the Civil Rights Movement. The baptist minister  believed in the power of nonviolence and is one of the most well known activists of his time. While visiting DC, I came across the MLK monument which depicts King in full form with his most notable quotes surrounding the statue. After reading many of the quotes, I picked two that were the most impactful to me. The first was a long time favorite "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy". This quote is one that I have previously associated with the Black Lives Matter movement but can now also tie into the spirituals by how the quote relates to why they were created in the first place. The next quote that struck me was " I have the audacity to believe that people everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education, and culture for their minds and dignity, equality, and freedom for their spirits". This can relate to many issues today but can also be brought back to times of slavery when none of these things were available to those enslaved. I also wanted to mention that when I visited the monument the statue was surrounded by flowers and gifts from the public. Although the flowers and gifts were in perfect condition , they were quickly being removed by the people in charge of the area. To think that MLK was only allowed to be celebrated for two days before everything was removed just shows how fast we as a society "move on" and forget the impact events and people have made on our lives. 


  1. I loved how you mentioned how the first MLK quote has been used recently in the Black Lives Matter movement. It is a true testament to the ongoing nature of the fight for equality in our country. In a way, this monument also stands to inspire the people of today to continue pushing towards fairness and community. Despite the tragic end to Dr. King's life, this monument now stands tall and will do so for many generations to come.

  2. Hey! I really liked how you mentioned the people quickly taking away the flowers and how society moves on very fast. It is such an important point. Martin Luther King Jr. played a major role in helping shape today’s world, and he should not be forgotten. We need to remember the impact people had on lives, the progress we made is because of them. Can you imagine the kind of world we would be living in if Martin Luther King Jr. had never been born? When I went, I also saw flowers and I liked seeing them there. It showed how he is still loved, and people are thankful for the work he did.


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