Mary, did you know? Opera edition

 By Mary I mean Mary Cardwell Dawson. Who is she you may ask? Well, Dawson was an American musician and teacher. She worked as the founding director for the National Negro Opera Company . Dawson taught HUNDREDS of African American youth the art of opera music.

In the play it starts off with introducing Mary and her cast. Soon after their introduction we are informed on the troubles of the opera company and the resistance of Mary to allow her company to perform at a segregated theatre. Mary and her team then have to decide between saving the company or their pride. Ultimately the weather ( which was previously a huge problem ) settles and the company no longer worries if the show will go on. 

About midway through the play , Dawson mentions that the company is part of a union. For those who are unfamiliar with theatre, a union is an organization that ensures the safety, payment, and availability of its members. This was an issue in the play because Dawson's company had no money to be able to pay the actors their dues at the time. This is why the push for ticket sales was so strong as well as the motive for paying the least for a performance space ( hence the performances being outside, even in the rain).


  1. Noelia, I like the title and the first paragraph. One of my favorite part was at the end when the actors realized the reality of the difficulties that Mary Caldwell Dawson was facing. It is very creative and attention grabbing. My question is what in the play captivated your interest the most and/ or what part of the play resonated with you the most and why?

  2. It is clear that Dawson's mission of bringing opera to African American audiences was deeply ingrained in her values and that she was not willing to compromise on this mission. I find it admirable and inspiring, particularly in the face of such significant obstacles such as the union having no regard for the struggle that they as Black Americans have. I wonder what the impact of the National Negro Opera Company and Mary Cardwell Dawson had on the African American community and the opera industry as a whole beyond the story of the play?


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