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A Tale of Three Museums

 RAP BATTLES, WEDDING RINGS AND HYMNS  The past week has been ringing in my head. The Underground railroad museum in Ohio is first up to bat. Multiple floors of history on top of what used to be "Little Africa". Overlooking the city is the bridge that connects Ohio and Kentucky. Before the bridge, the enslaved used to swim across the river into freedom or wait for the winter months to cross along the ice. This museum featured videos, interactive trails , and vivid images/sculptures of what we should expect from this era. Moving along to Tennessee, we get to see the National Museum of African American Music. The more modern museum encompassed every genre, artist, and style you could imagine. The museums talked about everything from the spirituals to modern day hiphop and rap. A part of the museum that I found to be both unique and educational were the wristband/bracelets that they gave out to viewers. With this bracelet you could save any artist, song, and information that you

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